Real-Estate Crypto

Sustainable and Future-Proof Building

Traditional banks offer high interest rates and lengthy procedures, making it financially challenging for small office complexes to secure funding. Our NFT platform allows owners of nearly empty office buildings to convert their properties into apartments, providing earning opportunities for everyone

Traditional banks offer high interest rates and lengthy procedures, making it financially challenging for small office complexes to secure funding. Our NFT platform allows owners of nearly empty office buildings to convert their properties into apartments, providing earning opportunities for everyone

Why This Will Succeed ?

Office2Home was founded by professionals from the international real estate, financial accounting, and AI engineering sectors. Our platform uses smart technology to accurately monitor real estate transformation processes, preventing fraud and ensuring phased invoicing. With expertise in real estate and property transformation, we can accurately estimate costs per region, ensuring successful and efficient projects.

Office2Home was founded by professionals from the international real estate, financial accounting, and AI engineering sectors. Our platform uses smart technology to accurately monitor real estate transformation processes, preventing fraud and ensuring phased invoicing. 

Why join the Office2Home Pre-Sales

As a Pre-Sale Investor, Enjoy Exclusive Perks:

Early Buy-In Opportunities

  • First option to purchase at projects
  • Always receive a 15% discount on initial purchases
  • Ability to re-sell NFTs before public sales
  • Continuous earnings from subsequent NFT trades
  • Earn 2.5% on every subsequent NFT trade

Property Governance

  • Vote on your favorite property projects
  • Vote on funding amounts per milestonepurchases